Stoked | Highest Hill in Marlborough
In early autumn, I climbed the loftiest hill in the Marlborough Sounds, Mount Stokes, with a modest altitude of 1203 metres. This...

Chasing The Light (house) | Moeraki, Otago
We reached this remote spot on schedule, as the afternoon sun broke through rain clouds, painting the farmland gold. I'd been here many...

Working a location | Boulder Bank, Nelson
To reach this landmark lighthouse requires a tedious gravel bash of seven kilometres. The pounding of hardened leather boots on unstable...

Arrow Rock | Nelson, NZ
Sometimes the most interesting landscape shots are a combination of several critical factors; a perfect storm coming together at the...

Boulder Bank | Nelson, NZ
Photographs are merely two-dimensional representations of a 3D reality. To create the illusion of depth, we can layer the subject matter...

First Light
Confession time. I am NOT a morning person. It takes a lot of commitment to set that alarm clock for 5am. But it pays big-time, when you...

Back story: I was visiting our capital city, Wellington, for a cousin's funeral.
I rented a car and drove north to the remote rural outp