Discover Your DSLR
Take control of your camera
Would you like to master...
n The Exposure Triangle - know how aperture, shutter & ISO work together?
n Depth of Field - understand how to get nice, blurry backgrounds?
n Metering Modes - know which ones to use for accurate exposures?
n Auto Focus Points - get sharper shots?
n High-definition video training
n Downloadable PDF guides & worksheets
n Drip-fed option with 1-2-1 tuition

Learn landscapes on location
We help you feel confident in post-processing your images & say goodbye to disappointing, amateurish snapshots.
For the discerning Intermediate photographer:
n Learn how to compose your photos
n Understand what camera settings to use
n Make your photos shine in Photoshop
Exclusive features...
p 10 Tutorials in spectacular locations - from a qualified teacher
p 10 Photoshop Tutorials - from an experienced photo editor
p RAW files - so you can follow along in Adobe Photoshop
p TRANSCRIPTS - so you can print off the step-by-step instructions
p Access to on-line Community - to get your photos critiqued
p 14 Behind The Scenes 'making of' movies - to inspire you
COURSES Fast-Track your photography here
Learn at your own pace - leave the stuffy classrooms behind! You get lifetime access & a money-back guarantee. We have collated the best teaching practice from dozens of photographers world-wide, and packaged it for your convenience.

Compact Camera Course
For Point-and-shooters
Understand your camera in 30 minutes...
Back to basics guide to digital photography with just a point-and-shoot or compact camera
n Better understand your camera functions
n Choose best camera settings for general use
n Be able to transfer your photos from a camera to a computer
This course is for:
n Total novices, absolute beginners
n The technologically challenged
n Owners of point-and-shoot cameras

Behind The Scenes | FREE
Watch Ray Salisbury on a series of epic road-trips across the beautiful South Island of New Zealand.
For the discerning Intermediate photographer:
n FREE movie series to inspire you
n 14 videos with photography tips
n Still images to show you the results
Tips on how to photograph iconic locations:
p Lake Matheson, Westland
p Lake Hayes, Otago
p That Wanaka Tree, Wanaka
p Nugget Point lighthouse, Otago
p McLean Falls, Southland
p Moeraki Boulders, Otago
p Aoraki / Mount Cook
p Queenstown at night
p St Bathans, Otago
p St Clair Beach, Dunedin
p Tunnel Beach, Dunedin
p Boulder Bank, Nelson
p Wharariki Beach, Golden Bay

The Art of Composition
Learn the fun stuff first!
Improve your photos the easy way...
n Understand what makes a 'good photo'
n Learn to compose your photos
n Know how to critique your own work
n Learn the artistic side of photography
n Videos, worksheets & exercises
n Bonus: get FREE composition eBook
n High-definition video training
n Practical Exercises
n Downloadable PDF worksheets
n 21-page eBook on Composition

Hot Pixels Academy
For serious Landscapers
9 months of 1-2-1 mentoring...
This Mentoring Program has been created for the landscape photographer who is serious about their work. If you want to improve your Landscape Photos now - without years of mucking around, or wasting time.
NOTE: Only a handful of students will be accepted into this Academy at the start of each year.
n Get lifetime access to ALL Hot Pixels courses
n Get weekly tuition via Skype and/or email
n Fast-track your scenic photography in a year
This programme is for:
n Confident intermediate-advanced amateurs
n Owners of a DSLR, tripod & Photoshop
n Persons willing to travel to shoot amazing landscapes they can sell, or hang on their wall
email: ray@hotpixels.co.nz
cell: (021) 135-8739