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Still shooting on Auto?


"What camera settings do I use?"

You've spent a load of cash on that shiny, new DSLR...

...but your photos don't magically improve.

Been there, done that.

You've got the latest, greatest camera kit, with all those bells & whistles...

...but you leave the mode dial on 'Auto'.
A wasted investment.

You spend a tonne of time traveling with your camera...

...but end up feeling disappointed with your photos.
Believe me, I know how that feels.

Truth is, most of us don't have the foggiest notion of what we are doing.
We don't know stuff, like:

n The Exposure Triangle - how aperture, shutter & ISO work together

n Depth of Field - how to get nice, blurry backgrounds

n Metering Modes - which ones to use for accurate exposures

n How to set Auto Focus Points for sharper shots

We have fluffed about on the Internet, searching for solutions to make our images shine. But it's a jungle out there. Information overload is crippling.
And life gets in the way.

You really only have two options...

OPTION 1 : Teach yourself. Waste years looking for free stuff on the Internet, or going to random photography workshops where your learning is, at best, erratic.

OPTION 2 : To save you time and frustration, I have sourced and collated the very best teaching practice from dozens of photographers world-wide, and packaged it for your convenience into one solution - at your finger tips.

Here's my answer. No magic bullet, just a proven path to success.
Check out this short video....

Anchor 1

DISCOVER YOUR DSLR > Premium Video Training

This short course helps you get off Auto, say goodbye to overwhelm, and feel good about your image-making. It's a hands-on process to cut through the clutter, empowering you to fast-track your photography.

Not just a talking head...

Alongside high-definition video training, the lessons are reinforced for varied learning styles. Download beautifully-designed PDF guides, and print-able worksheets. Do Ray's quirky quizzes to test your memory recall.

exclusive features
Anchor 2

n VIDEO TRAINING : from an experienced & qualified teacher

n DIGITAL ANIMATIONS : to visually illustrate how your DSLR works

n PRACTICAL EXERCISES : apply key concepts so you don't forget

n DOWNLOADABLE PDFs : beautifully designed guides to keep for reference

n PRINTABLE WORKSHEETS: clear instructions to customise your camera settings

n MULTI-CHOICE QUIZZES : test your memory recall

n ON-LINE COMMUNITY : rub shoulders with like-minded students

n SKYPE COACHING CALLS: get one-to-one tuition on whatever you're struggling with

n ACCOUNTABILITY : weekly emails & set deadlines & keep you motivated

What others are saying...



I think this course will go a long way in helping beginners gain more confidence in their photography.


The course is a very good place for a beginner to start.

Many of the subject items have PDF files which can be printed out to help with some of the exercises. These make it much easier to follow along, help reinforce the subject taught in the videos.



I have really enjoyed the course. I like the pace of your presentation and the combo of video and pdf works well. I like the mini quizzes at the end of each session. I also like the analogies you use.


HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY to cut years off your photographic journey?

WHAT WOULD IT COST YOU for a photography class at your local polytechnic?

WHAT WOULD THEY CHARGE YOU for a weekend photography workshop?

USD $49



p Video Training
p Practical Exercises
p Printable Worksheets
p Downloadable PDF guides
p Multi-choice Quizzes
p Access to on-line Community
p Video Training
p Practical Exercises
p Printable Worksheets
p Downloadable PDF guides
p Multi-choice Quizzes
p Access to on-line Community
p Accountability to Virtual Tutor
p Drip-Fed Content via Email
p Weekly Deadlines are set
p 2 X Half-hour Coaching Calls via Skype
p Q&A on FaceBook Live



USD $99

why this really works


Our goal is to help 1000s of aspiring photographers fast-track their photo skills. If you enroll in a Hot Pixels course, give it an honest effort, but it doesn't work for you, let us know within 30 days, and we will refund your money. No hard feelings, no questions asked.

2-10% of students complete an on-line course

To guarantee you do not waste this opportunity, we make it easy. When you enroll into the VIP course, your virtual tutor will push you along using proven psychological methods, such as:

n Accountability : people perform better under observation

n Specificity : breaking down lessons into actionable steps with deadlines

n Social Awareness : people do stuff to be valued members of a tribe

n Skin In The Game: when folks invest money, they are more committed to take action

here's exactly what to do
p Take Action - put off procrastination! Click on the big red button
p Sign Up - add your details & choose a secure password
p Enroll - choose a course option (Solo or VIP)
p Create An Account - pay via Credit Card or PayPal or redeem a coupon
p Enjoy - get started discovering your DSLR
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