If you answered 'yes', then read on...
n Do your scenic shots look average?
n Are you often disappointed with your photos, & don't know how to fix them?
n Have you been in Nelson a long time, but never had the time to photograph it?
n Or, are you new to Nelson, and wanna know where the best photo spots are?
n Are you a seasoned shooter, but need a bit of inspiration to get out-of-doors?
What if there was an easy way to...
n Know what to photograph
n Know where to photograph
n Know which camera settings & gear are needed for a particular location?
Yes, there is a solution...
Nelson Exposed is a location guide to New Zealand's sunshine capital.
It's a professionally-designed e-book covering 33 Photography Hot Spots you visit on foot or by car. It's packed with photographic goodness to inspire you to get outside & indulge.

The revised edition of the e-book includes:
n 33 locations ranging from Cable Bay to the beaches of Abel Tasman National Park
n Interactive Index - hyperlinked to the location guide for convenience
n 2 Nelson maps - for you visual learners
n My Camera Settings: use these as a rough guide, not the gospel
n Travel times for driving and/or walking: so you won't miss the shot
n Time, Tide & Weather Matrix: helps you decide where to go
PLUS > you can order a copy of the limited edition, printed Photo Book.
Just fire off an email to : ray@hotpixels.co.nz
Make this the year you kick-start your photography, and take it to a new level.
Treat yourself - you deserve it.