On this free course, you will learn about:
n EXPOSURE: how you can use your camera's HISTOGRAM to nail accurate exposures.
n APERTURE: what these are, how F-STOPS work & how to remember all the math.
n CAMERA SUPPORT: how to hold your DSLR to avoid camera shake.
Premium video training
This short crash course is for DSLR owners, to help you get off Auto.
You need to understand how your camera works if you wish to improve your images.
Lucky for you, it's not rocket science.
This video series demonstrates how you can fast-track your photographic knowledge by watching an on-line course, then putting it into practice.
Free PDF guides
Alongside the 3 videos, you can download 2 beautifully-designed PDF guides - so you can remember what you've just learned.
How it all works
Sign up below, and watch the first video training NOW.
We will email you the next video in the series in 24 hours, and finally, the last video in 48 hours. This gives you some breathing space.
If you no longer wish to receive photography-related emails, feel free to unsubscribe at any time.

p Sign Up - add your best email. This is where we'll send your video links
p Watch your Inbox - you'll get access to the next video in 24 hours.
p Enjoy - get started discovering your DSLR